
Please enter your registration information below. Fields marked with * are required.

When finished, click the Next button at the bottom to continue.

Passwords must include the following:

  • At least 8 characters long
  • At least one uppercase letter ('A'-'Z')
  • At least one lowercase letter ('a'-'z')
  • At least one numeric digit ('0' - '9')
  • At least one special character: ~!@#$%^&*()-_+={}[]|\;:<>,./?

For CHS Network Username, this will usually be your first initial followed by your last name, such as "tsmith" for Tom Smith.
For U.S., please enter the 10-digit phone number without spaces or dashes. For outside U.S., please include the country code.
Enter only one owner number. Access to other related owner numbers may be requested later.
Multiple owner numbers may be entered separated by commas. For example: 01234, 56789
